New Year, New Magistri: Here’s the Scoop

5 minute read

An essential part of the culture and teaching in Brooklyn Latin is to maintain a close environment between discipuli and magistri. Because of TBLS’ group-centered learning, discipuli have many opportunities to become acquainted with each other. However, getting to know magistri—especially new ones—can be hard.

In an attempt to bridge the gap between teacher and student, the Latineer interviewed the TBLS community’s three recently arrived magistri: Mr. Chad Austino of the Latin Department, Ms. Quinn Neidig of the Spanish Department, and Mr. James Taveras of the Special Education Department,

The Latineer asked them ten questions—of which five have been selected for this article—in order to help shed some light on who they are as people outside of the classroom setting. Read on to discover more about your newest magistri!

What was your first job?

Austino: I cleaned up city parks. I got a sweet farmer’s tan that summer.

Neigid: I was 15 and I worked at an Amish-themed restaurant. I wore a uniform of a short-sleeved, striped collared shirt, a bow tie, a wrap skirt to my shins, and sneakers.

Taveras: In the 10th grade I worked at a Dry Cleaners. I made $5.05 an hour.


What is your favorite show?

Austino: Arrested Development

Neigid: I don’t get around to watching too much TV, but I enjoy a good drama of whatever period. Two favorites have been Downton Abbey and Parenthood.

Taveras: I don’t have a favorite show, but I watch series with my son, and right now ‘The Strain’ is pretty good. The “Walking Dead” and “Avatar: The Last Airbender” are good too.


What’s something that someone wouldn’t know/expect about you?

Austino: Probably that I wrestled in high school.

Neigid: I’m a Spanish teacher that has still never been to Spain! I’ve backpacked in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and Peru. I’ve also spent time in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

Taveras: I used to work for Marvel Comics.


Any secret talents/hobbies?

Austino: Then they wouldn’t be secrets, would they?

Neigid: I used to be very into music and theater. I was in many live theater productions in my youth and sang in or performed with a couple of (non-professional) bands.

Taveras: I’m a huge obstacle course junkie.


If you could bring back one musician from the dead, who would it be, and why?

Austino: Orpheus, so I can look back at him and say “see how you like it!”

Neigid: I think I’d have to choose John Lennon, not just for his music (even more Beatles songs, what?!), but for the influence he had in spreading his message of peace.

Taveras: I’m torn between Prince and Jimi Hendrix.

1 What was your first job?
2 What is your favorite show?
3 What’s something that someone wouldn’t know/expect about you?
4 If you could bring back one musician from the dead, who would it be, and why?
5 Any secret talents/hobbies?


1) I cleaned up city parks. I got a sweet farmer’s tan that summer.

2) Arrested Development.

3) Probably that I wrestled in high school.

4) Orpheus, so I can look back at him and say “see how you like it!”

5) Then they wouldn’t be secrets, would they?


1) I was 15 and I worked at an Amish-themed restaurant. I wore a uniform of a short-sleeved, striped collared shirt, a bow tie, a wrap skirt to my shins, and sneakers.

2) I don’t get around to watching too much TV, but I enjoy a good drama of whatever period - two favorites have been Downton Abbey and Parenthood.

3) I’m a Spanish teacher that has still never been to Spain! I’ve backpacked in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and Peru. I’ve also spent time in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

4) I think I’d have to choose John Lennon, not just for his music (even more Beatles songs, what?!), but for the influence he had in spreading his message of peace.

5) I used to be very into music and theater. I was in many live theater productions in my youth and sang in or performed with a couple of (non-professional) bands.


1) In the 10th grade I worked at a Dry Cleaners. I made $5.05 an hour.

2) I don’t have a favorite show, but I watch series with my son, and right now ‘The Strain’ is pretty good. The ‘Walking Dead’ and ‘Avatar: The Last Air bender’ are good too.

3) I used to work for Marvel Comics.

4) I’m torn between Prince and Jimi Hendrix.

5) I’m a huge obstacle course junkie.

